Responsible Gambling
The is owned and operated by TMS Global Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of Jumbo Interactive Limited. website is the medium through which a range of lottery-based gaming activities are transacted with suppliers such as Tatts Lotteries SA Pty Ltd, Tatts NT Lotteries Pty Ltd, Tattersall’s Sweeps Pty Ltd, New South Wales Lotteries Corporation Pty Limited, and Tatts Group Limited and its related bodies corporate. This Policy applies to TMS and use of terms ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ refers to TMS. The use of the term ‘you’ refers to you as the Customer.
This Policy provides an overview of how we collect, store, and use Personal Information. This Policy also details how you can access and update your Personal Information or make a complaint.
We are committed to the protection of the Personal Information of individuals, and to maintaining the highest possible standards of privacy. We seek to implement practices, procedures, and systems that comply with the APPs under the Privacy Act.
AML/CTF Act means the Anti Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth);
APP’s means the Australian Privacy Principles;
Personal Information is any information about you that identifies you or by which your identity can be
reasonably determined;
Privacy Act means the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
What Personal Information do we collect and hold?
This Policy applies to Personal Information. What Personal Information we collect, and hold will depend upon the nature of your dealings with us as well as the requirement of applicable laws, regulations, and licence conditions. We may collect, for example, the following Personal Information:
- Name
- Date of birth
- Mailing address
- Email address
- Telephone number
- Financial institution account details
- Credit card details
- Signature
- Information on identity verification documents which we require for account registration
- Usernames and passwords for your account
To protect against fraudulent activities, we may require Customers to identify themselves when purchasing lottery tickets. This is at our sole discretion.
We may also collect non-personal information, which does not identify you as an individual, for analytical purposes. This information may include, for example, when you visit our Website, we may collect your internet protocol (IP) address, user information in an aggregate, non-personal, format for statistical and research purposes. This information is provided to the Beneficiaries as part of their record keeping obligations and may be used if requested by government agencies and regulatory bodies.